Back when she was 16, Nicki Minaj got a very visible Chinese characters tattoo on her arm, and she says now that she regrets the ink, for more than one reason. Although Ms. Minaj hardly seems like the religious type, her first-ever tattoo is a nod to her religious roots, which she may or may not still consider an important part of her life. Nicki’s tat is inked in black on the upper part of her left arm and features a series of six Chinese hanzi characters that read phonetically as, “Shàngdì yŭ nĭ cháng zài.” Nicki Minaj’s arm tattoo translates to “God is always with me” or “God is with me always,” depending on who you ask. Despite the admirable meaning of Nicki Minaj’s tattoo, the pop star regrets the ink – particularly its location – and says she was young and foolish for getting it. “Way too young. You have no idea what you want to put on your body at the age of 16,” Nicki said in a recent interview. “You need to wait until at least 21 and decide.”
Nicki Minaj’s Arm Tattoo Meaning
Nicki Minaj, born Onika Tanya Maraj, is originally from Saint James, Trinidad and Tobago, where she lived before moving to Queens, New York at the age of five. It was in New York where Ms. Minaj was eventually discovered by rapper Lil Wayne, and she now enjoys international success under the stage name “Nicki Minaj,” which is believed to be one of the alter-egos the pop star made up during her difficult childhood. Nicki’s parents are of mixed Indian and Afro-Trinidadian ancestry, and Nicki herself has South-Asian ties and is ¼ Indian. During a Desihits.com interview with “Arun and Doctor P,” Arun mentions to the pop star that even her nickname “Nicki” is Indian, meaning “little.” Nicki goes on to say, “My real last name is Maraj, and that means ‘king’…so Little King!” That Asian ancestry is likely one of the main reasons Nicki Minaj opted for a Chinese tattoo in the first place.
The Story Behind Nicki Minaj’s Chinese Tattoo
According to Nicki’s account of the tattoo session, she was originally going to get one or more Chinese characters inked on the back of her neck, but apparently her pain threshold just wasn’t high enough. She asked the tattoo artist to empty the ink out of the needle and test it out on the back of her neck just to see what the pain was going to be like. “When he put that needle like on that bone, I was like ‘never.’” So, since Nicki Minaj had already paid for the tattoo, she ended up getting the Chinese tattoo inked on her left arm instead. Now, Nicki Minaj may seem like the type who answers to no one, but you’ll never guess what kind of reaction she got from her mother when she came home with a tattoo at 16 years old! “I was thinking, how am I going to explain this to my mother? At that time I had a tongue ring, and she told me ‘I’m disowning you,’” Minaj confessed during a 2010 interview. “Like when she saw the tattoo and the tongue ring, she was like, ‘I am disowning you.’ I was bummed out that I went and got the tattoo.”
Hi nicki,send me an autograph on my email..bye will be expecting!!
Hope you get that autograph.
Ni in Chinese is “you” not “me”
i love the tattoo on nicki minaj it just brings out sexy and fabulous side of her and it is a great contribution to her hot pics……..mwaaaah
Gosh I love you so much . I went and got the same exact tattoo , and have had one if your hairstyles . You are my idle . My inspiration !
no bihh you barely know her SMH sure her songs are amazing but… SMH
What is wrong with you why would you get that?
Nicki I love you for being you, an the fact you are too with my love Remy Ma any one who rocks with Rem is definitely koo peep Nicki your a great woman n I have a lot of respect for u always will
OMG I love her tattoo foreal though
i give mad props and respect for tha tats going the religious route
I love the tat
Nikki u are truly the best rapper Thts ever lived u smoke lilkim like a burnt up blunt an i get What u mean about tatto’s at 16.but love the religous thing.I watch all videos an shows ur in Ive been saveing money for 2yrs now to try an come to one of ur concerts but Being 20 an single Mom Its bout impossible but ily ur awsome an BTW u rlly need to get wit lil Wayne u all are legands bigger than Beatle.just sayin…
I love mee to aww thank you guys so much stay in school and get your education especialy my baby BARBS#LOVE YOU…
I love you Nicki I would love to go to the nail salon with you we kinda are similar way accept I’m in middle school and the youngest girl and only girl in my family
Not Nicki
Best troll post ?
well, you spell and seem as if ur a 7 year old. not a single mom that’s 20.
Oh my gosh, I love Nicki Minaj so much that my computer desktop picture is her and, I have a couple posters of her. I love you so much Nicki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you so much and someday I hope to meet you!!!! I love you NICKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her tattoo brings out her prettiness. My question is why would her mom tell her that she disowns her?
Nicki you are my favorite person ever. I have your face on my walls in my room and a lot of posters. my phne wallpaper is you and my ipod and laptop
Luv u nicki minaj so much that have even edited pics of u and i..
Nicki , I love ur tat . I’m gonna be honest real quick . I don’t think u made a mistake with getting a tat . well the tounge ring , I think that was a mistake but at least u don’t have it now . I’m 14 and I’m good at understanding peoples problems .
i love u nicki u are the reason i believe in human perfection and the reason i have about 150 pictures of you on my phone, tablet and laptop love you so much xoxo
Nicki, I love your tat (one of your biggest fan from Nigeria)
Hey nicki, im angela im love your music im a really big fan ive NEVER went to a concert in my life and hope to one day go one of your’s one day (one of your biggest fan from port washington wisconsin)
LiVE to gEthEr……dIE aLOne…….i love U Nikki minaj
love nicki minaj she is awesome and very inspirational she is GORGEOUS as hell and i think (in my opinion) she’s the best female and if anyone begs to differ e-mail me and we can sort this out over e-mail 🙂
-love you Nicki Minaj <3
maraj u a the best …ma role model …..lots of luv tanya…..muah…..
Thanks for telling out the meaning, cus am getting one of thoes tat at the back of my neck, and am going to get a tat of your sexy face in my chest
I LOVE U NICKI!!!!! I love you so much your songs are awesome and the videos are cool too you are like an inspiration to me and I’m still repin you NICKI???
Nicki I went to your concert in California I was there when the girl got to come on stage my brother sceamed out he loves you and you smiled. Anyway can you please be my aunt.
P.S. I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!
Your Comment here…jez love you and I can’t figure it out! maybe bcuz u jez ursef tho
much love…#muah
Nicki I love you tattoo it is cool u are my idol and I love you songs 13 but no them all.
Happy birthday nicki love ya I wish I can meet u my birthday is coming up and that’s what I’m wishing for to she u on Ellen.
Nicki I wish I can meet you u are so awesome I love you so much I think I’m you number one fan I wish I wish I can meet you before 2/11/16 becouse that my birthday ill be turning 14 and happy birthday love you and hope you get this you are my idol!!!!!!!!!! And ps I sing to
Nicki Minaj you always make me smile. I love your songs. Today I was begging my mum to get your tattoo.
i love nicki minaj i wish she was my mom
Your Comment here…Nicki u so great ….d tats is ok….u’re also my inspiration….. I really luv it wen u rap(your fan from Nigeria) am 15 years and i wish to meet u
Your Comment here…I like that tat i was thinking of getting the same one,,,,,i adore nicki mxa;):D:D
Your Comment here…I ‘ll 4eva liv 2 proclaim de gospel of ur lvly tats.i lv u nicki
Nicki i relli relli ove u alot nd i hope dat smeday we gonna meet eachoda dats nd gonna be my happiest day.i
i love everytin bout u despite d fact dat my mom says she doesnt want me singing or rapping any of ur songs at home again[never].
im actually 16 yr old nd [one of ur top 10 fans in nigeria]olz
Her tattoo translates to “ May God always be with you”